Sunday Times E-Edition


by Trivia Tom

This week’s theme is a popular culture-free quiz.

1. Which continent contains more than 50% of the world’s population?

2. The musical term pianissimo means what?

3. The now extinct dodo once lived on which two Indian Ocean islands?

4. What is the sum of a baker’s dozen, a score and a gross?

5. What word, taken from the Latin for “one who loves”, refers to a nonprofessional?

6. Alexander Selkirk lived on a Pacific desert island for four years and was the inspiration for which literary character?

7. A substance that is a poor conductor of heat, sound or electricity is called a what?

8. Which famous artwork is also known as “La Giaconda”?

9. “Siegfried”, “Tristan and Isolde” and “Lohengrin” are operas all written by whom? A) Beethoven, B) Haydn, C) Wagner, D) Mozart

10. What does VE stand for in VE Day?

11. Who was the last United Party prime minister of South Africa?

12. What “Q” is the name of the Hunchback of Notre Dame?

13. Which literary and mythological figure was dipped in the river Styx which made him almost completely invulnerable?

14. How many wings does a flea have?

15. The oxter and axilla are alternative names for what body part? A) Knee cap, B) Ear lobe, C) Heal, D) Armpit

16. What was the name of the German engineer who designed and built the first car to be driven by an internal-combustion engine?

17. What animal is a Mexican howler (pictured)?

18. In which modern-day country was Marie Antoinette born? A) Russia, B) Austria, C) Italy, D) Morocco

19. The official name “Misr” refers to which country? A) Egypt, B) China, C) Syria, D) Finland

20. In Chinese culture, in what colour should all wedding invitations be sent? A) Red, B) Yellow, C) White, D) Green

Answers on this page.





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