Sunday Times E-Edition

Your Stars

By Linda Shaw

AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18

Before putting any mad plans into action, make sure everyone is clear about your intentions. Mixed messages can lead to a sticky emotional mess which you’ll be left to clear up. Besides, your needs have changed and you’re probably not looking for the same things anymore. Have the courage to accept the new you. Make a note of desires and compare that to a list of your talents. You’ll be amazed at how you’ve grown.


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Despite the wonky planets, your relationships have taken on a very grown-up tone. Slowly you’re discovering you’re not responsible for everyone’s happiness. And while you’re there, you’re also learning to keep your nose out of other people’s business. Which means you’re being left with plenty of time to rethink your financial progress

— which is about to be enormous.


Mar 21 - April 19

Even a demanding relationship has its perks, especially if it affords an opportunity to tame the wild horse inside you — without killing its spirit, of course. So although you need a fresh approach, you won’t have to walk away from what you have. Nevertheless, if you are in the market for something new, there’s a sizzling energy in your orbit. And it’s reminding you that abundance in all things includes love and money. Open the door to both.


Apr 20 - May 21

The planets are all over the place, which means there’s drama at home again. Needless to say, you’re responding, as usual, by switching off. Let’s not do this again. The idea is to use your superior brain power to invent solutions, not to remove yourself from the battlefield. Besides, if you’re just willing to try something new, you’re bound to get a different result. And that’s exciting enough to hold your attention.


May 22 - Jun 20

That desperate need to push down doors is clouding your vision. Yes, you need excitement and, yes, there’s definitely some on the way. But there’s no need to spread yourself so thin. Save some time for friends, who have a real need for your strength now. That budding romance is there to teach you tolerance. Your personal planets are tuning in to your psychic side. You’ll know if and when to make new moves.


June 21 - Jul 22

If your love life needs a rev, take it sailing. Or camping. Or to a cute little hotel. A weekend is the minimum requirement — and it’s needed soon. And if you’re wondering about the benefits of even having a relationship, ask that question again after your weekend away. Bear in mind, though, that the love planets are on strike until mid-February so be generous with your thoughts. Meanwhile, if you’re still looking for love, join a group. And be fascinating.


Jul 23 - Aug 22

Ignoring those tedious financial details could prove costly. So if you really can’t bear to examine the small print get someone to do it for you. Meanwhile, progress at work seems to have ground to a brief halt. Use the time to catch up. While you do that, make contact with your friends. They’re feeling neglected and you are definitely in need of some mindless fun.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

You’re looking good; charming and gorgeous. And just because the planets aren’t following the best route doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. By mid-February, the planets will be back on track. Meanwhile, use these delicious energies to work on accepting yourself Getting your way with others will be an automatic part of the deal, so no work to be done there. Even so, hold off on the proposals until the planets have moved on. It’s safer.


Sep 23 - Oct 22

The love planet is in reverse, dragging you back to your lovelorn past. Are you pining for a lost love, hoping for more freedom, or simply missing those glorious early days of a new romance? Never mind that. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what you really want. And remember, romance novels tend to leave out the daily drag. Not the same as real life. Start by falling in love with yourself. Then you’ll really know what love is.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Someone wants what you have or what they think you have. Which doesn’t mean they’re going to get it, just that you’re in line for some competition. Not to mention the occasional giant fib to confuse you. The planets are off-course until mid-February so use this time to get contracts clarified and promises kept. Then have another look at your own performance. Are you giving your best? Is there more in there?

SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - Dec 21

It’s the career that’s absorbing you now, mainly because the love planets are on the fritz. But maybe that’s just as well, because all eyes are on you and a promotion or salary increase is virtually guaranteed. So this is not the time to slack off, even though your energy levels have temporarily plummeted and your patience is wearing thin. Stop. Ask yourself what you really want. You’re about to get it.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19

All that fabulous hard work you thought had gone down the tubes is now revealing its value. Because suddenly you’re discovering that you’re not only an expert, but are way ahead of the pack. Think carefully how best to make use of your advantage. This is not the time for gloating. Or spending your money before it’s arrived. It’ll be another two weeks before you see real results. Meantime, get some advice. You need more detachment.*

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