
Profile - Lucille Faro

‘Back into the belly of the beast’

Dur­ban mom Mbali Nz­i­mande with her daugh­ter Ma­sisi, 5, who has cere­bral palsy due to staff neg­li­gence when she was born at Est­court Hos­pi­tal.
Dur­ban mom Mbali Nz­i­mande with her daugh­ter Ma­sisi, 5, who has cere­bral palsy due to staff neg­li­gence when she was born at Est­court Hos­pi­tal.
Pic­ture: Thuli Dlamini

● Tears well up in Mbali Nzimande’s eyes when she speaks of how her five-year-old daughter, who was born with cerebral palsy, can talk and sit up on her own — positive progress for a child suff...